Split tests (parallelism) with TI
By default, Test Intelligence reduces test time by running only the necessary tests to validate your code changes. You can enable parallelism and test splitting in your Run Tests steps to further optimize test times.
This topic explains parallelism and test splitting in Run Tests steps. For test splitting/parallelism in Run steps, go to Split tests (parallelism).
This topic explains how to set up parallelism and test splitting in Run Tests steps.
For test splitting in Run steps and conceptual information about parallelism and test splitting functionality, go to Split tests (parallelism).
With parallelism, you specify how you want Harness to divide similar workloads. When you use parallelism and test splitting with Test Intelligence, Harness divides the work after test selection. This means that your test execution time is reduced by both test selection and parallelism.
Example: Time saved by combining TI with test splitting
Note that while parallelism for TI can improve the total time it takes to run all tests, some tests may still take a long time to run if, by their nature, they are intensive, long-running tests.
Enable test splitting for TI
To enable test splitting for TI, you must:
- Define a parallelism strategy.
- Enable test splitting on the Run Tests step.
- Use an expression to differentiate report names for each run.
Define a parallelism strategy
In the context of test splitting, the parallelism
strategy defines the number of workloads into which tests can be divided. Each parallel instance (or workload) is a duplicate of the stage where you've defined a parallelism strategy, but each instance runs different tests.
- Visual editor
- YAML editor
Define the parallelism strategy on the stage with the Run Tests step.
You can configure parallelism strategies on stages or steps.
Harness recommends using stage-level parallelism for test splitting.
If you use step-level parallelism, you must ensure that your test runners won't interfere with each other because all parallel steps work in the same directory.
In your pipeline, select the stage where your tests run, and then select the Advanced tab.
Under Looping Strategies, select Parallelism.
Set the
value to the number of workloads that you want to divide your tests into. For example, if you want to create four workloads, setparallelism: 4
. -
Optional: Define
. This is a strategy to optimize parallelism.parallelism: 8
maxConcurrency: 2
Define the parallelism strategy (strategy.parallelism
) on the stage with the RunTests
strategy: ## Declares a looping strategy.
parallelism: 8 ## Specify the number of workloads. This example creates 8 workloads.
maxConcurrency: 2 ## Optional setting to optimize parallelism. Limits the number of workloads that can run at once.
You can configure parallelism strategies on stages or steps.
Harness recommends using stage-level parallelism for test splitting.
If you use step-level parallelism, you must ensure that your test runners won't interfere with each other because all parallel steps work in the same directory.
Optimize parallelism
In general, a higher parallelism
value means a faster pipeline run time, because the tests can be divided into more parallel instances. However, this depends on your test suite and resource limitations in your build infrastructure. For example, if you try to run 10 groups of tests, but your build infrastructure can't handle 10 parallel instances, the pipeline can fail or take longer than expected.
To optimize your parallelism strategy:
- Try different parallelism values to determine your infrastructure's limits. Parallelism impacts resource allocation for the pipeline. A pipeline with five sequential stages can require fewer resources than a pipeline running five parallel instances of a stage, because the second pipeline has to run all five instances at once.
- Use
to control the flow of parallel instances and avoid overtaxing infrastructure resources. Concurrency limits the number of parallel instances that can run at once and queues additional instances.- For example, if you set
parallelism: 12
, Harness attempts to run 12 instances of the stage at once. If you setparallelism: 12
andmaxConcurrency: 3
, Harness generates 12 instances of the stage, but only runs three instances at a time. The remaining nine instances are queued, and the queued instances start running as space clears in the concurrency limit (when prior instances finish). - Concurrency allows you to divide tests into more workloads without overloading your system resources.
- There are resource requirements to generate parallel instances (even if they are not all running at the same time) and handle queues. Try different combinations of
values to determine your ideal configuration.
- For example, if you set
- Review the Best practices for looping strategies, including how to calculate ideal concurrency.
Enable Test Splitting on the Run Tests step
On the Run Tests step, set Enable Test Splitting (enableTestSplitting: true
- step:
type: RunTests
identifier: Run_Tests_with_Intelligence
name: Run Tests with Intelligence
enableTestSplitting: true ## Required to enable test splitting.
testSplitStrategy: ClassTiming ## Optional. Can be ClassTiming or TestCount. Default is ClassTiming.
The Test Split Strategy is optional. The default test split strategy is class timing. If you would rather split tests by test count, you can set the Test Split Strategy to Test Count.
Class timing uses test times from previous runs to determine how to split the test workload for the current build. Test count uses simple division to split the tests into workloads. However, the maximum possible number of workloads is determined by the parallelism strategy you specified on the step or stage. For example, if you set parallelism: 5
, then the tests are split into a maximum of five workloads.
Differentiate report names
With stage-level parallelism, results files are automatically output as separate stage artifacts.
If you want the individual results files to have unique names, you can use an expression or variable in the results file name, such as result_<+strategy.iteration>.xml
or result_${HARNESS_NODE_INDEX}.xml
You might need to modify your test tool configurations to support this report naming convention, and you must modify the Report Paths (reports.paths
) value to include the Harness expression, such as <+strategy.iteration>
. For example:
- "target/surefire-reports/result_<+strategy.iteration>.xml"
type: JUnit
Harness recommends stage-level parallelism for test splitting. However, if you defined the parallelism strategy on a step (instead of a stage), you must use an expression or variable in the results file name, such as result_<+strategy.iteration>.xml
or result_${HARNESS_NODE_INDEX}.xml
, to ensure each parallel instance produces a uniquely-named results file. If you don't use an expression or variable in the results file name, the files overwrite each other or fail due to same-name conflicts. How you enable this varies by language and test tool. For this reason, among others, Harness recommends using stage-level parallelism for test splitting.
Recommended maven-surefire-plugin and pom.xml modifications for step-level test splitting
Differentiate parallel runs in logs
You can also use environment variables and expressions to differentiate parallel runs in build logs.
Add two stage variables:
HARNESS_STAGE_INDEX: <+strategy.iteration>
- This is the index of the current parallel run.HARNESS_STAGE_TOTAL: <+strategy.iterations>
- This is the total parallel runs.
Add a
to echo the variables' values so you can easily see the values in build logs.
- step:
type: RunTests
identifier: Run_Tests_with_Intelligence
name: Run Tests with Intelligence
preCommand: |- ## Optional. Echo environment variables to differentiate parallel runs in build logs.
YAML example: Test splitting for TI
This example shows a stage that uses Harness Cloud build infrastructure and runs Test Intelligence on a Java codebase. The parallelism strategy is set at the stage level.
- stage:
type: CI
identifier: Build_and_Test
name: Build and Test
cloneCodebase: true
- step:
type: RunTests
identifier: Run_Tests_with_Intelligence
name: Run Tests with Intelligence
language: Java ## Test splitting with TI is supported for all languages and tools that are supported by TI.
buildTool: Maven
envVariables: ## Optional environment variables to differentiate parallel runs.
HARNESS_STAGE_INDEX: <+strategy.iteration> # Index of current parallel run.
HARNESS_STAGE_TOTAL: <+strategy.iterations> # Total parallel runs.
preCommand: |- ## Optional. Echo environment variables to differentiate parallel runs in build logs.
args: test
runOnlySelectedTests: true ## Enable TI.
enableTestSplitting: true ## Enable test splitting.
testSplitStrategy: ClassTiming ## Optional. Can be ClassTiming or TestCount. Default is ClassTiming.
postCommand: mvn package -DskipTests
- "target/surefire-reports/result_<+strategy.iteration>.xml" ## Use an expression to generate a unique results file for each parallel run.
type: JUnit
arch: Amd64
os: Linux
spec: {}
type: Cloud
parallelism: 3 ## Set the number of groups to use for test splitting.
Harness supports test splitting for any language.